And essential to all life whether to plant, animal or human Is food… food is any substance that is eaten or otherwise taken into the body to sustain life, to provide energy, and to promote growth. Any living organism deprived of food will soon shrivel up and die.

The physical body craves food and because it does, people work long hours each day to earn money in order to buy food. We make every effort to see that our children and others we love have food to eat

However, a person is much more than just a physical body; he is also a spiritual being and that spiritual being also craves and needs spiritual food..

Jesus taught that; "....... man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God (Matthew 4: 4)

This food Feeds the soul and just as physical Bread satisfies the pangs of hunger in a person, the Bible is spiritual food that satisfies the hungers of the heart. Every person experiences two types of hunger– hunger of the body and hunger of the heart. We feed the body with rice and potatoes we buy at the market, but only God can satisfy the hunger of the heart.

The Bible teaches that God wants to provide us this spiritual food and that it is free . ” Come, Take your choice of wine It is all free. “Why spend your money on food that does not give you strength? Why pay for food that does you no good? Listen, and I will tell you where you get food that is good for the soul.” (Isaiah 55:1,2)

Jesus said, ” I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.” (john 6:32}

God has put within every person a spiritual vacuum, a spiritual hunger, that only He, can fill and satisfy. You can fill this void in the heart by loving and serving the God who made the world and all things in it. He is Lord of heaven and earth.

Let me encourage you to continue eating food that is nutritious and that will give you and your family strong healthy bodies. Also, take time to feed your soul by reading the Bible each day. If you need direction in getting started, begin with chapter one of the Gospel of John and read one chapter a day and in 21 days you’ll have read the entire book. this is spiritual food for your soul And I highly recommend it.