A new year:2025

January: a time to reflect and redirect

January, the first month of the year, is named for Janus, a mythical Roman god. Janus was the god of doors and gates in Roman mythology and is usually represented with two faces, one looking forward and the other looking backward.

The Bible teaches that we should learn from the past but live for the future.

January is a time for reflection. a time to evaluate the past year.

For example :

Did I use the last 12 months wisely? Did I step over failure and move on to success?

Did I reach out and love others? Did I share my resources with the less fortunate?

Did I forgive those who offended me? Did I seek forgiveness from those I offended?

Did I seek for and pray to God? Was I thankful to God for the good I have enjoyed?

we cannot change the past, but we should make every effort to learn from it.

January is also a time to look forward and set goals. for example, this year:

How can I honor my parents? How can I show my love to my family?

How can I make my home more attractive? How can I reach out and love my neighbor?

How can I be more faithful in my pursuit of God? How can I become involved in my church?

Who has offended me that I can forgive? What decisions have I been putting off that I can make this year?

However good 2024 has been, I encourage you to make 2025 even better. Even if we look back and evaluate or look forward and plan, remember the words of the Lord Jesus: “But seek first his kingdom, and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6: 33)

Seek God in 2025: He will be found, and He will bless you

The righteous and the unrighteous

In Scripture the horn is used as a musical instrument and also as a means of getting attention. In the animal kingdom the horn is also used as a weapon, a symbol of power and might and strength. In Psalm 75 the author speaks of two horns with two purposes: the horn of the unrighteous and the horn of the righteous.

The horn of the unrighteous is described as an instrument of fools, foolishness, and of the wicked {Psalm 75: 4}. The horn of the unrighteous also evidences a stiff neck of arrogance and insolence, and with the attitude which says: ” my way or the highway.”

The person described here is totally unaware that every attribute or ability of an indivi dual is not the result of personal effort, but rather the exercise of gifts and abilities given to that person by the creator God. Most people living today are totally unaware of this very basic truth, and they also reject the council given in scripture which says:

“Lift not up your horn on high; speak not with a stiff neck, for promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. but God is the judge, He puts down one and sets up another.” {Psalm 75:6-7}, The horn of the unrighteous is best described as self-serving: me, my, mine and stay out of my way.

However, the horn of the righteous Is very well described by David in 2 Samuel 22:2-3

“.. the Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; the God of my rock; in him will I trust, he is my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower, and my refuge, my savior”

This principle is also stated very clearly in the book of Proverbs 25:6,7:

” Put not forth thyself in the presence of the king and stand not in the place of great men; for better it is that it be said unto thee, come up hither; than that thou shouldst be put lower in the presence of the prince whom thine eyes have seen.”

The modern axiom here is very simple: don’t toot your own horn. If tooting is necessary, and appropriate, let someone else do it for you! Just keep working, trusting and serving and let the chips fall where they may!

Question : Since promotion does not come from the south, east or west where does it come from?

What a Comforting thought: or is it?

I sing because I’m happy

I sing because I’m free

For his eye is on the sparrow

And I know he watches me

This is a verse in a song written in 1934 and speaks a truth about God’s wonderful love for us. This love is so inclusive that God notices even when a single sparrow falls to the ground. Therefore, He is also observing both you and me. And this is a comforting thought. He knows when we are hurting, He knows when we are sad, He knows when we have needs that others know nothing about. In a word our Heavenly Father knows all about us. Isn’t that a wonderful truth!

Yes, it is a wonderful truth, but the flip side of that coin is somewhat sobering. He also watches us, and he also knows of all those things that other people know nothing about. Things if brought to light would be quite embarrassing to us as children of our Heavenly Father. Now let me be clear, I am not talking about sins confessed and forgiven, of which we all have many, but I am referring to those areas in our lives that we may look on as being “gray,” but in our hearts we know otherwise, and that they should be dealt with before God and man. The Bible is very clear in this matter when it says ……. “Therefore, to him that knows to do good and doeth it not, to him it is sin.” What “gray” areas are you dealing with and have been for many years? Make a decision to deal with these areas and trust God for the ability to do so and I believe that he will be excited to help you

Always remember that when you confess something to your Heaven Father you are telling him something He already knows and has been waiting in confident anticipation for you to communicate with him about this.

I would encourage you to make a short list of things to do in order to be an effective disciple and check them off as you do them.

Yes, we are both happy and free in Jesus when we walk with Him in confident obedience.

Blessings on you as you follow Him

The Solution for worry

By definition there is a small difference between concern and worry. Once a concern gets out of hand it becomes a worry and there is a world of difference in the two. By definition concern is an asset since it sees a problem and allows the one involved to search out an answer, while at the same time, worry realizes that a problem exists and cannot see a solution. Every person whether a Christian or not must discern between the two and if worry dominates that person has a problem.

The author of Psalm 37 provides instructions on how to deal with worry. The word used for worry in translation is the word ” fret” which means to be discontented; to cause corrosion; to gnaw into something. The Psalmist says: (1) there are things we ought not to do, (2) things we are to do and (3) the desired result when we do what we know is right.

First, we are not to be concerned or worried about people who do bad things. And, when bad people do succeed and are prosperous, we should not envy them, that is God’s business not ours and He will take care of His business.

Second, we are to trust in the Lord and do good. This is the passage to prosperity, success, and the provision of all we need.

Third, we have God’s promise of more than adequate provision for all of our needs. When we fail to love as we should, and to be as generous as we should, and to be as forgiving as we should, although he is disappointed, He will by his right hand pick us up and love us still.

I confess that this note is just a glimpse into Psalm 37, just a nugget of the many gems to be found there. I encourage you to read the entire Psalm prayerfully and studiously. and what you learn pass on to another!

A New Year is coming: are you ready?

A new year of 365 days is coming. A new year for new opportunities for success and prosperity—- and failure and suffering.

To face the new year realistically, we must realize that there will be both success and failure——- prosperity and suffering.

Sometimes success and prosperity can be as devastating to a person as does failure and suffering. Money, prestige and success do not spell lasting happiness. These may all be gone in an instant.

So, how do we face this new year, knowing that we’ll have all these experiences both good and bad?

First, be certain that God has a prominent place is in your life and in your plans.

           "Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain." [Psalm 127:1]

Remember, that God comes into and works in your life only with your permission through prayer:

         " Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in....."[Revelation 3: 20]

Second, having done this, trust in God’s care for you as His child. In the following verse all things mean exactly that— ALL— things, good and bad, pleasant and not so pleasant.

       "...And we know that in all things God works for good to them who love God, who have been called According to his purpose." [Romans 8:28]

Finally, do not dwell on the past, whether good or bad, but trust God for your future.

         " .... but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I pressed toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.  [Philippians 3:13,14]

Whatever success and prosperity you have experienced in the past, thank God for it, but don’t dwell on it, just press on.

Whatever failure and suffering you have known in the past, learn from it, forget it, and press on.

Remember and do not forget, that God loves you and has a great plan for your life, but only by your permission.

Right now, bow your head and say “Lord, I give you permission to change my life for the better and I thank you for doing this.” And then do not be surprised when you see good things happening in your life! Give God the credit and share these blessings with those around you, and they will be blessed also.

Just keep on keep’n on.

An essential of the Christian life: witnessing

The will of God for every believer is clearly stated by Jesus in Matthew 28: 18- 2 0.


" And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, all power is given unto me in heaven and in Earth. Go therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and low I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." (Matthew 28: 18-20)

Notice first, what Jesus declared in verse 18: He has been given power both in heaven and in earth, and this authority given him by the Father qualifies him to instruct his disciples with the following mandate: They were to go teach, baptize all the nations {v.19} and they were then to teach them to do what he had taught the disciples I Yes I did no question about Now then {v.20}. And then notice the promise Jesus gives in verse 20 b: the promise of his presence with us when we obey and do what he has asked.

A very basic rule in a study of the Bible is to notice anytime a word, phrase, concept, or truth is repeated and to pay attention as to why the repetition.

Mark also records this instruction by Jesus to tell others in Mark 16:15-20

The author of the book of Acts also records this essential truth in the Christian life: the responsibility every believer has to tell others the good news. {Acts 1:6-11}

A final demonstration of this truth is found in Mark 5:19. In this passage, Jesus has healed a man who was possessed by demons, and the man has requested that he might go with Jesus, but Jesus said, no, you go home and tell others what God had done for you. In its simplicity this is what God wants you and me to do: simply tell others what he has done for us. If you’re doing this, keep up the good work and God will bless you for your obedience.

Every believer in Jesus should be either a sower or a reaper. Which are you? My hope is that you will be both a sower and a reaper.


You may be a Christian without a job, with past due bills you can’t pay, and family problems that seem insurmountable. These are real problems that we all face, and they must be resolved at some point in time. In the midst of these problems, which are real, let me remind you that you have a foundation that will stand the test of time and problems. Recognizing the problems, and these are not peculiar to you, let me encourage you that you have every reason to rejoice today.

” The Bible says, ” Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again: rejoice. {Philippians4:4}

Why should we rejoice in the Lord when we are suffering? This is a fair question that deserves an answer. Let me give you three reasons why you should rejoice in the midst of difficulties.

First, we rejoice in the Lord because we know that whatever we suffer as believers in this world there is no comparison to the reward that our Heavenly Father has for us when we meet him one day. The Bible teaches about momentary light afflictions followed by an eternal weight of glory (Second Corinthians 4:16 and 17). The Bible also says, ” In everything g ive thanks for this is a will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you” (Thessalonians 5: 18) Notice also in this verse it does not say FOR everything give thanks but rather IN everything give thanks. There is a world of difference in these two words in this verse.

A second reason to rejoice in the Lord is that He gives us a peace of heart that is totally different from any other peace available. Jesus said:

“Peace, I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not be afraid” {John 14:27}.

Peace that the world gives is based on various things such as financial security, physical health, professional success, and community status, just to name a few. All of these things are temporal and could disappear tomorrow. True lasting peace is not offered by the world, but this is what the Lord gives to us.

Finally, we should rejoice in the Lord because of his promise to care for us as a father care for his children.

” As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear Him {Psalm 103:13}.

Before Jesus left this earth to return to heaven, he told his disciples: ” I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you” {John 14:18}.

And again, the promise is: ” Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you”. {Hebrews 13:5}.

Whatever your needs are let me encourage you to seek the Lord, and if you know Him as your personal friend and Savior to rejoice in Him today.

Are you a shuck?

First let me give you a primer on an agricultural term: “SHUCK”

Shuck Is that part of a vegetable, fruit or any other item which is useless and is to be thrown away. The word May be used as a noun. For example, Christmas wrapping paper after Christmas gifts have been unwrapped is nothing but shuck. Or the word could be used as a verb: He intended to shuck the whole project. Shucked is the past tense of shuck.

If you go into a grocery store and go to the vegetable section, you will find two types of corn on the cob: shucked and half shucked. In one section the corn is wrapped in the shuck and is piled together in a meaningless heap, and you choose what you want and how many. While in a separate section you’ll find ears of corn in attractive plastic packages with the shuck half removed so you can see the corn you want for your dinner table. And of course, when you purchase the product, you take it home and take the chuck off and throw it away.

As I thought about this word and its meaning, I realized that this is how God sees you and me. He sees either shuck, half shuck or no shuck. By this I mean He sees either, an unbeliever, a disobedient believer or an obedient believer. Shuck refers to the person who has never trusted Jesus as his savior. Half shuck refers to the person who knows Jesus but has unconfessed sin in the life. The shucked believer is the person who is aware of the sin in his life and choose to deal with it. His go to verse is First John 1:9 ” If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness”

The Bible says that “… If any man be in Christ, he is new creature old things are passed away behold all things have become new” {Second Corinthians 5:17} In this analogy the old things mentioned here refer to all those things that displease God and are called sin. In this analogy the sin is called shuck.

Now, notice that in both the shucked and the half-shucked there is something precious and valuable. But only as the shuck is removed is the purity and value of the corn itself realized. At one point in a person’s life God looks and He sees only shuck or half- shuck. But in that shuck abides one Created by God and his desire is to do away with all of the shuck. And this occurs when we stand in God’s presence in glory. All of the shuck has been removed

If God sees only shuck in a person that person is not qualified to live in God’s presence.

If God sees half shuck in that person, he needs to deal with sin and disobedience and He will be welcomed into God’s presence but with fewer rewards.

If God sees no shuck at all, but only the righteousness of his Son, received by faith, that person will receive greater rewards and will be welcomed into His presence.

Romans chapter 7 indicates that we all are to some degree victims of our own shuck, but that one day It will all be removed: ” There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit.” {Romans 8:1}

Now my question to the reader is very simple.

As God looks at your life does He see shuck, half shuck or no shuck?

As you look at your life today do you see all shuck? If you do, then you trust in Jesus’ today as your personal Savior.

If you see some shuck confess it, go on and determine to live as God would have you live.

It Is your call to make, so make and you will never regret it.

Which color stripe do you wear?

On a recent visit to my retina specialist, I met a very interesting man. He was wearing a baseball cap with various decorations that told me he was a navy veteran. I spoke to him and asked him what ship he had served on and in what war. He told me that over 20 years in the navy he had served on two aircraft carriers. We had a great conversation about his experiences while in the navy. He showed me many pictures taken while he was serving in the navy. In one picture I noticed his uniform’s left arm had several red chevrons. Now each chevron or stripe indicates four years of service. If you have had disciplinary problems of some sort, you were required to wear a red chevron. As he showed me different pictures of him in his uniform, I noticed that in some of the pictures the chevrons were red while in other pictures the chevron was gold, and I asked him the difference. He then explained to me that he did not want to wear the gold chevron because this indicates a perfect record. Over the years he had many bad experiences with the shore patrol which required him to wear the red stripe. {The shore patrol is the police force for the navy}

However, after 10 years of error free service the past is forgiven, and you are required to change on your uniform the red stripe to a gold stripe.

Since He was promoted to wear the gold chevron, by navy regulation to wear a uniform with red stripes he would be out of uniform and subject to court martial. Therefore, in the simplest terms possible, in the navy a red chevron means you have been bad, and a gold chevron means you have been good. He felt that he did not deserve to wear the gold chevron on his sleeve

As I thought about this, I said to myself, that is exactly how God looks at us. The Bible says that we all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. We all wear a spiritual red stripe in the sight of God because we have been bad, God calls it sin.

However, the good news is that by faith in Jesus; that red stripe is turned to gold in the eyes of God. In 2nd Corinthians 5:17 the Bible says ” If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature old things are passed away behold all things are become new”

As we walked out of the doctor’s office together, I asked him a simple question: In God’s sight are you wearing a gold stripe or a red stripe? He did not answer and slowly walked away.

My prayer for you is that if today you sense that you deserve a red stripe turn to Jesus, ask him to be your Savior and symbolically you will have a gold stripe but a permeant place In God’s kingdom. You are now a son or daughter of the Highest, and you can be assured that he will never turn his back on his own! But when you do sin simply go to your Heavenly Father, confess your sin and thank Him for forgiveness.

If you are at this time a child of the King go and share this story with another who may need a stripe changed.


Why is God silent ? This is a question that every believer will ask at one time or another. and when it comes what is the answer? There may be many scenarios for the answer to this question, but for the Christian there is only one solution: turn to your heavenly Father and ask good questions about the darkness that you are facing, and he will respond to you as He is your Heavenly Father. You may rest assured that nothing will be allowed to come into your life without His knowledge, and it will be for your good. {see Romans 8: 28} When we do face difficulties usually the first response we have to a problem is to ask: why me and how long will this last?

A reading of Psalm 13 gives little Indication of the personal problem that is referenced by the author, and this is to our advantage. Remember the principle of Bible: study: every scripture has a primary application and perhaps a number of practical applications. As we look at Psalm 13 we are interested in the practical application for us today.

The first thing we notice in verse one Is that the author directs his request to the one capable of helping him out of his darkness: he turns to God. Thus, the first thing we learn in this Psalm is that though we have many resources for help in many areas of life, there are those times when only our Heavenly Father can give us the right direction. When you have a problem to whom do you go for council?

You will notice in verses one and two that he revealed his impatience with God when he uses the expression ” how long” 4 different times.

The first question: “how long will you forget me” in verse one requires an answer:

" But Zion said' The Lord hath forsaken me, and my lord hath forgotten me. Can a woman forget her sucking child that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? Yea they may forget yet I will not forget thee. Behold I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me." {Isaiah 49: 14- 16}

And the answer to that question is very simple: your Heavenly Father has not and will never forget you!

 As believers who face many of these questions in our lives we must do as the psalmist did when he said...." I have trusted in thy mercy; my heart shall rejoice in thy salvation. I will sing unto the Lord, because he hath dealt bountifully with me." {Psalm 13:5,6}

In conclusion then, regardless of circumstance we must trust, rejoice and sing! And this is precisely what the author did here.