The Warriors of Ephriam

The Warriors of Ephriam though fully armed turned their backs and fled when the day of battle came. Psalm 78:9 {NLT}

Not much is known about the specific incident related here but the principle is very clear:            "Success of training is tested in battle".  What you learn in the classroom of life will be tested in the future. Why did the Warriors of Ashram fail when the day of battle came??  The next verse may give reasons for their understanding and I quote "--- they did not keep God's covenant And they refused to live by his law"  {Psalm 78:10}
And also, "....they forgot what he had done ........." {Psalm 78:11)

They failed the test because,

{1} They were not obedient to reveal truth, and

{2} they did not remember His kindness of the past.

Whatever test you are facing today, whatever your day of battle may be, remember these two things:

{ 1} Obey whatever God has revealed to you and

{2} Rehearse in your mind the good things you have experienced from Him.

If your day of battle has not come, rest assured it will, and when it does come, obey and remember we serve a loving heavenly Father.

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