First let me give you a primer on an agricultural term: “SHUCK”
Shuck Is that part of a vegetable, fruit or any other item which is useless and is to be thrown away. The word May be used as a noun. For example, Christmas wrapping paper after Christmas gifts have been unwrapped is nothing but shuck. Or the word could be used as a verb: He intended to shuck the whole project. Shucked is the past tense of shuck.
If you go into a grocery store and go to the vegetable section, you will find two types of corn on the cob: shucked and half shucked. In one section the corn is wrapped in the shuck and is piled together in a meaningless heap, and you choose what you want and how many. While in a separate section you’ll find ears of corn in attractive plastic packages with the shuck half removed so you can see the corn you want for your dinner table. And of course, when you purchase the product, you take it home and take the chuck off and throw it away.
As I thought about this word and its meaning, I realized that this is how God sees you and me. He sees either shuck, half shuck or no shuck. By this I mean He sees either, an unbeliever, a disobedient believer or an obedient believer. Shuck refers to the person who has never trusted Jesus as his savior. Half shuck refers to the person who knows Jesus but has unconfessed sin in the life. The shucked believer is the person who is aware of the sin in his life and choose to deal with it. His go to verse is First John 1:9 ” If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness”
The Bible says that “… If any man be in Christ, he is new creature old things are passed away behold all things have become new” {Second Corinthians 5:17} In this analogy the old things mentioned here refer to all those things that displease God and are called sin. In this analogy the sin is called shuck.
Now, notice that in both the shucked and the half-shucked there is something precious and valuable. But only as the shuck is removed is the purity and value of the corn itself realized. At one point in a person’s life God looks and He sees only shuck or half- shuck. But in that shuck abides one Created by God and his desire is to do away with all of the shuck. And this occurs when we stand in God’s presence in glory. All of the shuck has been removed
If God sees only shuck in a person that person is not qualified to live in God’s presence.
If God sees half shuck in that person, he needs to deal with sin and disobedience and He will be welcomed into God’s presence but with fewer rewards.
If God sees no shuck at all, but only the righteousness of his Son, received by faith, that person will receive greater rewards and will be welcomed into His presence.
Romans chapter 7 indicates that we all are to some degree victims of our own shuck, but that one day It will all be removed: ” There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit.” {Romans 8:1}
Now my question to the reader is very simple.
As God looks at your life does He see shuck, half shuck or no shuck?
As you look at your life today do you see all shuck? If you do, then you trust in Jesus’ today as your personal Savior.
If you see some shuck confess it, go on and determine to live as God would have you live.
It Is your call to make, so make and you will never regret it.