In whose eyes are you good?

How good is good? A young Christian friend shared with me that while she is a committed Christian, her husband, who is not a Christian, is in many ways, a much better person than she.

She said that she often gets angry and sometimes impatient with her children and her husband. He, however, seems always to be in control and is very seldom angry or impatient. She sees him as a much better person than she. Her remark to me was, “He is such a good person, so maybe he doesn’t need God.”

The Bible says , ” The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart ” ( 1 Samuel 16: 7)

Every person needs to know God because every person has a heart problem. That problem is sin, and the most basic sin is to not believe in God and to not accept his gift of eternal life.

Jesus told the disciples that the Holy Spirit would come and: ” He will convict the world of guilt….. in regard to sin, because men do not believe in me….” (John 16: 8, 9)

A person’s a real problem is not anger, impatience, or some other sin. The problem lies in the heart of unbelief.

A very moral, educated and religious man once approached Jesus with the inquiry about knowing God. Jesus told the man; “… you must be born again ” (John 3 :7).

Jesus did not address the man’s outward sins, rather, He went straight to the issue: the heart. The heart must be changed.

This young lady’s husband may be a better person than she, but God looks at the heart, and because she has put her faith in Jesus, she will be welcomed into His presence someday.

My friend should live her life to please God, to pray for her husband, and then to patiently wait for the Holy Spirit to convict him of his unbelief.

So, how good is good? Jesus said: “ No one is good—– except God alone” (John 18 :19).

When the Father looks at the believer, He sees the righteousness of his Son.

When God looks at you —-whom does He see?

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