” My son, give me your heart, and let your eyes observe My ways” (Proverbs 23:26)
Satan says to you, ” My son Give me your heart and do what I say.”
Apparently, the heart is the source of our thoughts, and the mind is the executor. What then does Satan want us to do? He wants to deceive us precisely the way he deceived Eve way back there in the Garden of Eden. He enticed her with that which was good, but which God had forbidden.
Satan will encourage you to get a good job, get a good education, buy a home, start a business, stay healthy and I could go on and on.
These are all good things for us to desire and to pursue. And the evil one will not hinder you. Actually, he will encourage you, and he will give you success.
What then is the issue? The issue is a matter of priority and Satan will not discuss this with you. Each time you turn away from him and try to be what God wants you to be; he will distract you. He will encourage you to do good and dissuade you from doing the best.
Jesus said, ” But seek you “first” the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. ” (Matthew 6:33)
And let me emphasize the word “first” for God has given you the responsibility and the privilege of determining what is first in your life.
Do an inventory of your life and put pursuit of God at the top of the list and just watch the other “things” noted above fall into place.
Simply put, just obey the voice of the One who loves you and tell Satan to get lost.