I sing because I’m happy
I sing because I’m free
For his eye is on the sparrow
And I know he watches me
This is a verse in a song written in 1934 and speaks a truth about God’s wonderful love for us. This love is so inclusive that God notices even when a single sparrow falls to the ground. Therefore, He is also observing both you and me. And this is a comforting thought. He knows when we are hurting, He knows when we are sad, He knows when we have needs that others know nothing about. In a word our Heavenly Father knows all about us. Isn’t that a wonderful truth!
Yes, it is a wonderful truth, but the flip side of that coin is somewhat sobering. He also watches us, and he also knows of all those things that other people know nothing about. Things if brought to light would be quite embarrassing to us as children of our Heavenly Father. Now let me be clear, I am not talking about sins confessed and forgiven, of which we all have many, but I am referring to those areas in our lives that we may look on as being “gray,” but in our hearts we know otherwise, and that they should be dealt with before God and man. The Bible is very clear in this matter when it says ……. “Therefore, to him that knows to do good and doeth it not, to him it is sin.” What “gray” areas are you dealing with and have been for many years? Make a decision to deal with these areas and trust God for the ability to do so and I believe that he will be excited to help you
Always remember that when you confess something to your Heaven Father you are telling him something He already knows and has been waiting in confident anticipation for you to communicate with him about this.
I would encourage you to make a short list of things to do in order to be an effective disciple and check them off as you do them.
Yes, we are both happy and free in Jesus when we walk with Him in confident obedience.
Blessings on you as you follow Him